
We know it can be difficult for churches to find good counselors they can trust their members with and who can support their ministry. We’ve created this page and put together some brief video interviews so church leaders can learn more about us on their own time, non-intrusively.

About LifeDCS

Here’s a brief video from Nathan describing the genesis of Life Discovery Counseling Services.


  • Collaborative success
  • Shared faith
  • Reaching more people

About Nathan

Here’s a little background about co-founder Nathan Hawkins.


  • Faith background
  • Journey as a counselor
  • Personal message

About Aaron

Here’s a little background about co-founder Aaron Potratz.


  • Faith background
  • Journey as a counselor
  • Personal message
Please take a few minutes to hear from us about how we integrate Biblical principles into our counseling.

What is Christian Counseling?

Many people who are seeking counseling are concerned they will be led astray from their Biblical values. We want everyone to know that our counselors all hold personal faith in Jesus, are qualified clinicians, and are passionate about guiding people through difficulties from a Biblically informed and Christ-centered way. Here are a couple videos of our co-founders explaining this in their own words.

Nathan Hawkins on Christian Counseling

Aaron Potratz on Christian Counseling

Thank you for taking a few minutes to hear from us. We would love to hear from you – if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss how we can support our local churches and community.