Services We Offer

From a Distinctly Christian Perspective

If you're like a lot of Christian people, when you seek counseling you want guidance from someone who will share your values. You want to have confidence that your counselor will help with Biblical values and principles.

You also want effective clinical techniques. You don't want someone to just tell you to "pray about it more" or "trust God." Sure, these phrases have their place and value. You're probably needing something more tangible and specific - which is why you're seeking help in the first place!

At Life Discovery Counseling, we have experience and training working with many different kinds of people and situations. We work to integrate sound clinical techniques with Biblical principles. You can expect us to work to understand your unique situation and give you direct feedback that can help you through it.

Here is an overview of the services we offer and the issues we work with. Please Contact us if you have questions or would like more information about how we can help you.


Individual counseling.

If you've been struggling with personal or relationship issues, we're here to help.

  • Live joyfully
  • Heal from pain
  • Recover your identity


Couples counseling.
We utilize scientifically proven methods to help you live a healthy Biblical marriage.

  • Restore connection
  • Rebuild trust
  • Resolve conflict


Family counseling.

We can help you learn healthy boundaries and have healthy family relationships.

  • Learn boundaries
  • Improve home life
  • Live stress free

Issues We Work With

  • Anxiety

    We work with anxiety issues such as phobias/fears, obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma, social anxiety, and many others. We can help you understand what's going on, why it's happening, and what to do about it. Finally, you can not be anxious so the peace that surpasses all understanding can come over you!

  • Depression

    Whether you have chronic major depressive disorder or intermittent depressive episodes, we can help. As Christians, we have great hope that God can use difficult life experiences for good and He can help us overcome challenges. We can help you discover this without empty cliches or platitudes.

  • Relationships

    We work with all kinds of relationship issues: premarital and marital, parent-child, families, friendships, work-related, and many more. Healthy and connected relationships are what God created us for. We can help you heal broken relationships, strengthen solid ones, and know when to set boundaries for those toxic relationships..

  • Addictions

    Substance use issues (not requiring detoxification or hospitalization), sexual addictions, food addictions, shopping, and many others. Often, these are ways of coping when we don't have any other tools or making a "good thing into an ultimate thing." We can help you gain tools and reorient you in healthier ways to your life.

  • Religious/Spiritual

    Whether you are struggling in your faith or want to better live it out, we can help you figure out what gets in your way and fix it. We can also help improve your relationship with God, find forgiveness, and resolve hurts you may have experienced from the church or from other Christians.

  • Parenting

    This is probably the hardest job on the planet, but we understand how to parent effectively while nurturing healthy family relationships. Our relationships with our own parents and with God can affect how we parent. Gaining this awareness, along with practical tools or skills, can help you be the best parent for your children.

  • Children & Teens

    Life Discovery is a safe place to bring your child, adolescent, or teenager. We can help them understand their struggles, build skills, and improve their relationships. We also want to help you, the parent, understand and connect with them better!

  • Online (Telehealth)

    Telehealth or online counseling has become more commonplace, and for good reason! We can work with you if you're far away (within Oregon), don't have many options for counselors, or don't have flexibility in your schedule to come in person. We're happy to connect with you virtually and use skills that are conducive to that environment to help you.

  • ...and More

    There are many other issues not listed here that we work with and are able to treat. Call to talk with us today about your struggles.